Arterial Health and Stress Testing
The Cardio Wave Analyzer
An FDA Cleared compact device for assessing Arterial Stiffness, Peripheral Circulation and Patient Stress Score. The 3 minute non-invasive test gives the patient a score for Arterial Flexibility and Stress. Patient motivation can change when they see they are at risk.

Detect Heart Disease and Stress Levels with a 3-minute Test!
Anyone can learn to perform the test. It’s Noninvasive, easy to perform and interpret.
Patients can learn if they are at risk and make important lifestyle changes.

Who Can Utilize this Technology
The Three Minute Test that Tells Your Patients
Wellness Centers
Great for general screening of those who are A-symptomatic and for manging those at risk.
Can screen all patients and charge for the testing. Supplements can be offered.
Can screen all patients and charge for the testing. Supplements can be offered.
Health Coaches
Screen everyone for risk and use to manage progress in lifestyle changes.
Fitness Centers and Gyms
Screen for those at risk, measure progress of fitness programs, offer supplements.
Supplements Stores
Great resource for offering beneficial supplements to address issues.
Nutritionists & Naturopaths
Screen for those at risk, measure progress of fitness programs, offer supplements.
Functional Medicine Doctors
Screen all patients for risk, measure progress of treatment, offer supplements.
Doctors have been using this testing successfully for years.
Now this technology is available to a wide range of Health Professionals.
Arterial Analysis
The Cardio Wave Analyzer performs a sophisticated analysis of the arterial pulse wave.
The Cardio WA provides information on arterial wall stiffness and determines the biological age of arteries in less than 3 minutes.
This FDA cleared, user-friendly, non-invasive device uses a finger probe to observe the changes in pressure, blood flow, velocity and profile throughout the whole pulse wave.
Stress Balance Analysis
A Heart Rate Variability analysis allows the Cardio Wave Analyzer to evaluate is the patient is over-stressed or over-fatigued. The test also evaluates if the stressor is physical or mental and grades the patient as to how much stress-fighting reserves they have left.
Because the test is so easy to administer, it allows a practitioner to test a patient before and after treatment, or at the start of each treatment in a series so that the patient can see improvement.
In summary the Cardio Wave Analyzer provides:
- Early detection of arterial wall stiffness
- Biological age of arteries
- Stress Balance showing Stress or Fatigue
- Stress Resilience (how much longer the patient will hold up)
- Information regarding efficacy of treatment choices
Pulse Wave Velocity
When the heart beats, blood is pushed through aorta and the main arteries down the arm to the finger tips. The thump of the heart creates a pulse wave in the blood that travels down the arm. Very hard arteries allow that pulse wave to move very quickly. With soft, flexible arteries, the pressure wave moves more slowly.
Because of the way that blood moves faster through hardened arteries, Pulse–wave velocity (PWV) is a way to measure arterial stiffness and detect hardening of the arteries well before other symptoms appear. This makes Pulse Wave Velocity Measurement an incredibly important tool in early diagnosis of cardiovascular disease.
A breakthrough came in the form of mathematically interpreting the shape of the arterial pulse wave at the finger tip. This allowed the creation of a wavetype that has 7 very distinct, very easy to see waveforms. Extensive research confirmed that each wave type from 1-7 conformed with a specific leave of arterial health.
This Technological Breakthrough Is Built Into the Cardio Wave Analyzer.
The Cardio Wave Analyzer was extensively researched to correlate the 7 different wave patterns with various degrees of arterial health. The result is that this machine can quickly detect arterial hardening with a 3 minute non-invasive test.
Heart Rate Variability
Heart Rate Variability, or HRV, is a measurement of the interaction between the sympathetic (“fight or flight”) nervous system and the parasympathetic (“relaxation”) nervous system in the overall autonomic nervous system.
HRV reflects the heart’s ability to adapt to changing circumstances by detecting and quickly responding to unpredictable stimuli. It measures overall health and well-being and reflects on how the body adapts to perform at maximum efficiency.
Decreased HRV implies decreased ability to respond to changes in the environment. Too much consistency in heart rate (less variability) is often associated with dysfunction and disease as well as a higher mortality rate in both healthy and unhealthy subjects.
Thus it can be shown to be a strong predicator of all-cause mortality. The heart is not just a simple pump, but a complex sensory organ with its own functional “heart brain” that communicates with and influences the brain via the nervous system, hormonal system and other pathways.
Research has shown that these influences profoundly affect brain function and most of the body’s major organs. Science now confirms that stress significantly increases the risk of heart disease, including sudden cardiac death.
Unmanaged emotional stress is equally if not more important than physical variables in determining health outcomes. A conservative estimate is that 75% of visits to primary care physicians are due to stress-related disorders.
A number of studies have demonstrated that patients with anxiety, phobias and post-traumatic stress disorder (PSTD) consistently show lower HRV, even when not exposed to a trauma related prompt. Importantly, this relationship existed independent of age, gender, trait anxiety, cardio-respiratory fitness, heart rate, blood pressure and respiration rate.
The Reports
Arterial Score: The Cardio Wave Analyzer will score the patient from 1 to 7 as to his or her arterial health including flexibility as well as an indication if the heart is weakening. This can allow practitioners to catch early stage heart disease and motivate patients to take action. The score of 1 is perfect arterial elasticity and the score of 7 represents no remaining arterial elasticity and an urgent need for treatment. This is a life saving screening tool that will quickly tell your patients if they have cardiovascular disease and how far it has progressed.
The arterial report even shows what percentage of heart beats falls into each category, so its possible to see the dominant score and the sub-dominant score which tell you which way the patient is trending.
This allows the practitioner to advise the patient when its time to change lifestyle and increase treatment.
Autonomic Nervous System (ANS): HRV (Heart Rate Variability) helps test the autonomic nervous system activity, and the balance of the Sympathetic and the Parasympathetic Nervous Systems. If someone has chronic stress or high stress, the autonomic nervous system function, which is weakened by the decrease in heart rate, causes an increased risk of cardiovascular disease.
The report gives an overall stress score which factors in all the various scoring on the report. And the report all a physical stress bar and a mental stress bar that helps the patient understand where their stress is coming from.
The best score of all is the Stress Resilience. This tells the patient how close they are to burning out their stress-fighting reserves. Patients with low Stress Resilience must take action before they suffer from a breakdown of physical function.
“As a Naturopath and Nutritional Consultant, I wanted an inexpensive professional tool that would help me to help and educate my patients about their cardiovascular health, as well as make them aware of their stress levels. The CardioWA is such a great machine! In a few minutes I get so much data with a great report. This helps me graphically show my patients where their current cardiovascular and stress levels are at. Also, THANK YOU for making the experience of buying the Cardio Wave Analyzer a most pleasant one.” –CJ, ND, CNC Oklahoma
“This system is one of the best medical tools I have ever used and provides one of the most comprehensive cardiovascular screenings available. My work as a health practitioner over the past 20 years or so, with a particular focus on cardio issues, has been wonderfully enhanced through the use of this particular system. It has been invaluable in assisting those I work with to lead healthier lives and I am certain it has saved some too.” – D.N. Health Coach
Details of the Cardio Wave Analyzer - Costs, Support and More
The warranty and support is for 5 years. The machine arrives complete with nothing further needed to just plug in and start doing tests. There are no additional or hidden costs. There are no consumables. Also the software is designed in such a way that as long as Windows continues to support it, the software will continue to run. There are no ongoing updates needed. The stated price is the actual full cost. The machine is in stock and ships 2 Day FexEx. Customers normally have the machine in their hands 3 days after making payment.
The CardioWA device along with all connecting cords and the finger probe. There is a 14″ laptop which already has the software loaded. There is also a quick reference booklet and some patient flyers that can inform patients about the value of the test. Simply plug in 3 cords and the CardioWA is ready to use.
The 2 CardioWA tests take 3 minutes to run. At the end of the 3 minutes, you have the arterial scoring information and the full Heart Rate Variability Analysis.
We offer great support. If you have any questions about the test results you can email us a copy of the test and we will send back an analysis. We can do additional training as needed. If you have any issues with the machine we will give you instructions to allow us remote access to your computer (its very simple) and we will run diagnostics and fix everything up. If we can’t fix it, we will replace it.
The Arterial Test is very sensitive and will pick up hardening of the arteries or a weakening heart very early. It also picks up hardening/restriction of the arteries that are otherwise asymptomatic. For most patients its an amazing way to motive them. For a few, its a life saver. The HRV test is also unique in that the final 3 bar graphs are physical stress, mental stress and stress resistance. Stress Resistance is an amazing metric because you can tell your patient how hard they have been burning themselves and how much reserves they have left before they start going into adrenal fatigue or some other form of system collapse.
Warranty: The CardioWA machines carry a full five year warranty. The warranties for machines imported by us are supported by trained technicians in our Texas repair facility.
Extended Warranty: Please enquire about extended warranty options.
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